

Once you open the door of many homes in Santa Fe you get to see the magnificent spaces, the native-inspired décor or the clay tile roofs and welcoming gardens. But there is something related to freshness and hygiene at all homes that some people disregard, even when it is pivotal: refrigerator cleanliness.

Because fridges are the place to store raw and cooked foods, it’s key to keep them clean and organized. What may be hiding behind the fridge doors is accumulated germs and bacteria due to poor hygiene or simply for neglecting to clean it at least once a month.

Let’s get started

First things first. Take everything out. We’ll get back to why. Then, let’s talk about the no-nos of fridge cleaning. The team of professional cleaner from Ana Valenzuela has 2 key recommendations: Never use bleach to clean any area of the fridge and avoid other disinfectants as well. Both substances are too harsh for surfaces that come in contact with food, so it’s best to use natural products or products specifically formulated to clean inside and out the fridge. 

What to use, then? Simply mix some dishwashing soap with warm water and use a soft rag to clean all surfaces. You may need an old toothbrush or a non-abrasive sponge to remove dirt and grime. Leave the drawers soaking with the soap and water mix as you clean the fridge from top to bottom. Rinse and dry them before is time to put everything back in the fridge. 

Organizing is key

Now, about taking everything out. Every little thing, yes. That will help you see what’s expired and needs to be tossed, what’s about to expire and you better use for dinner and what condiments or food is still good to be used later in the week.  

Then, start putting everything back in, using a method that works for you, keeping in mind that perishables should be within easy reach. Some tips to do so:

-Organize cheeses and cold-cuts in one drawer and stacked based on expiration date, to use the oldest first. 

-Use clear storage containers. It makes it easy to see what’s in it, save space and keep the fridge cleaner and organized. 

-Dairy-based foods go deep on the shelves to keep cold and fresh.

-All veggies and fruits, and all types of lettuce in particular go in the drawers. 

-For the fridge door, experts recommend keeping dressings, jams, sauces and the like organized by usage. Ketchup, for instance should go at the top, as it’s something used frequently. 

Ana Valenzuela Cleaning Services has the most professional and dedicated team in Santa Fe, one that will take care of your entire kitchen, including the refrigerator and freezer. You can choose among many other the services offered, including the weekly/biweekly cleaning, which will give you the peace of mind you want to really and truly enjoy all the wonders of Santa Fe and other areas of New Mexico.


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