The Art of Cleaning a Small Business 


Great art is everywhere in Santa Fe. Just like there are excellent cleaning services in the city. Many have their areas of specialty, but a few are good at everything they do. Not to toot our own horn, but Ana Valenzuela Cleaning Services is definitely part of the latter list.

Why? Because we have trained our personnel and keep up to date on anything and everything related to house or business cleaning. From new cleaning products to those who are best for the environment and new techniques to have a more efficient and effective house cleaning experience.

But beyond the home, we also tend to small businesses. In a city like Santa Fe NM, hese small shops or service providers are abundant, and providing cleaning services to them is a priority. Here are some tips our cleaning professionals apply when working with a small business client: 

Get the right cleaning equipment: There is no need to invest a ton of money or get fancy gadgets. What you need to do is speak to a cleaning professional that can tell you what tools are key, which ones are ‘good to have’ and which are a waste of money.

Establish a system: Have your employees tidy up before leaving for the evening and incorporate a cleaning protocol to follow. Whether you are the one doing it, or a cleaning professional, the steps that are part of the protocol make the cleaning process easier and more effective. 

Pick a spot for the trash: It seems like a no-brainer but many small business owners fail to adhere to basic cleanliness and hygiene rules. Trash and recycle bins should have their specific spot in the back of the house and they should be clearly labeled. That way employees and/or visitors will know where to deposit trash and other materials and you can keep work and service areas spotless at all times. 

Don’t forget about the public space: If your small business receives clients, it may sound obvious to say the public areas should remain spotless, yet sometimes dust and small pieces of trash are easily seen by visitors. The protocol mentioned before comes to play here. A cleaning professional can take care of public areas when the business is closed, but during service hours it’s important to have someone responsible for maintaining all areas immaculate.  

Send us an email. Call us now. You are one action away from making your small business shine even brighter thanks to the professional the  team of Ana Valenzuela Cleaning Services. No matter where your business is located in Santa Fe NM, we have all cleaning services covered for your small business. No other cleaning service in Santa Fe has the expertise and professionalism, and our house and small business cleaning services are 100% guaranteed.


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