Taos: for skiers and winter lovers  

New Mexico is beautiful and enticing all year round, but winter has something special. Although must tourists and locals enjoy skiing in the mountains around Santa Fe, Taos is another area that attracts people from all over the world. It’s a magical place where people find more than they bargained for.

The name Taos derives from the native Taos language, which means “place of red willows”. These trees and other wonders of nature are what ski land outdoor lovers come looking for. Taos offers exhilarating, exciting trails for professionals, families and those “once-a-year” skiers. There are plenty of choices for all: Sipapu, Angel Fire, Red River, Taos Ski Valley and Enchanted Forest. Here, visitors can go indoor skating, snowmobiling, boarding, tubing, snowshoeing and so much more! It’s a treat for the body and the senses.

But what happens after you’ve been outside, skiing all day? All you want to do is rest, have some hot chocolate or other warming, tasty beverages, and return to your rental vacation for a well-deserve break. Fortunately for you, that’s all you have to worry about: thinking ahead to make sure the house is warm enough and ready for you to unwind. But if you are staying in one of the vacation rentals the team of Ana Valenzuela takes care of, you know you’ll find an immaculate clean space with all the details that make this your own home away from home.

Photo from Zillow

Here are some easy tips you can put in practice at home or wherever you are staying, to ensure your return at the end of the day is a pleasant one:

 Check the insulation
A poorly insulated roof could be the main cause why a property feels cold even with the heater on! Same goes for the walls. Drafts can be found in unexpected place, so it’s key to make sure your residence is insulated properly. If that’s not the case, making an investment sooner can save you money in the long run.

Curtains do more than decorate
Let the sun shine inside the house during the day, but draw the curtains back inwards once it’s starts to get dark outside. Reason being, curtains act as a layer of insulation for your home, so allowing the sun in can help keep a warm temperature inside.

Get a timer
This tip might sound obvious, yet many people still don’t have one at home or even attempt to use the timer available at their vacation rental. Setting the timer to start on a low temperature around 30 to 45 min before you usually get back home is a sure way to come in to a cozy atmosphere. One rookie mistake is to leave it on at a low temperature for the whole day. That’s simply a waste of energy and money.  

Rethink furniture arrangements
Sometimes decoration gets in the way of a warm, well-heated home. When arriving to a new place you’ll be staying in for a couple of days, or even at your own home, look around the room and check if any big furniture (such as sofas, love chairs, desks or sideboards) is blocking the hit from the radiators. Move these pieces around to allow for the hot air to circulate freely.

When renting a vacation home in Santa Fe, the team of Ana Valenzuela Home Cleaning Services, guarantees you’ll get to enjoy a clean, comfortable home. The team takes care of most of the cleaning and lodging logistic, so you don’t have to worry about much and simply enjoy Santa Fe. So, before you hit the road to the peaks and ridges in the snowy mountains, you can put to practice all of these tips, and return at the end of the day to the most perfect, cozy home you can find.  



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