Yes. The answer is always yes. It’s best to do a deep house cleaning at the end of the summer as well (assuming you did a full house cleaning for spring), because with all the summer going in and out, there is bound to be a lot of dirt in places you can’t even imagine.

But the work is better left to professionals. Think how much time and energy you will save if you look up the best cleaning companies in Santa Fe and choose the right one for you. The professionals from Ana Valenzuela Cleaning Services are ready to tackle all summer deep cleaning jobs, but also have taken the time to share some of their best tricks of the trade:

Start outside: Since it’s summer, you’ve probably spent most of your time out there, so look around and decide where to start. The grill is a key piece of the puzzle, but you can also start with the furniture and/or the floor.

Clear out the fridge: Take everything out and decide what to reuse in a short time so you don’t throw away perfectly good food. Decide what to freeze or repurpose. But before that, give the refrigerator a good clean, and don’t forget about the freezer!

BBQ and kitchen: Cleaning the BBQ is a task in itself, and many prefer to do it at the end of summer, while others want to extend grilling season through the fall. And that’s quite alright. Just make sure to find out the best way to properly clean your particular model and do it before it’s ‘closing time’. The kitchen also deserves a proper clean up, starting with all the tools and gadgets you used for grilling and cooking over the hot summer months.

Carpet and common areas: Sure, guests and family spent most time outside, but they also came in several times, bringing in dirt. Before deciding how to best clean your area rugs or carpets, check out the common areas and do a thorough cleaning, starting with the fans. Once you are done, it’s time to tackle anything related to carpets and the like.

End your summer on a high note by hiring professionals to do the dirty work for you… the dirty clean work, is what we mean. House cleaning services in Santa Fe can make a difference in your life and the well-being of your loved ones. The team for Ana Valenzuela Cleaning Services is part of the list of best cleaning companies in Santa Fe, and this team of experts will take care of all your house cleaning needs, from deep Bathroom cleaning to any Special Cleaning you want done! It’s a great alternative for residents or vacation rental owners. Call (505) 660-6568 to find out what we’re doing to ensure complete cleaning sanitation of any area of your house.




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