How to Prepare for a Successful Holiday Party

You have everything planned in your head. The guests have confirmed and you’ve told them many amazing things about Santa Fe and the wonderful winter landscape they will be witnessing once they come to visit. Besides the attire, and of course, the food, having a sparkling home is a must! Whether it’s your own property or you are staying at a vacation home in Santa Fe, cleanliness is the first thing to keep in mind, as a clean house feels inviting, fresher and more welcoming.
To have a spotless house ready for guests in Santa Fe, all you have to do is contact Ana Valenzuela Home Cleaning Services. Ana and the team have the experience and tools to provide the highest level of house cleaning services in the city. From a full, deep house cleaning to a maintenance one to receive guests over the holidays or even after they’ve left, the team is ready to meet all your expectations.
This time around, Ana Valenzuela also has tips and tricks for you to be ready before your guests arrive for a holiday dinner. Read on and get ready to dazzle guests with a clean home.
Tidy up inside and out

Take care of the area around the entrance. Sweep the surroundings, polish the doorknob, wipe the door and decorate the entryway with holiday decorations. Once inside, check the areas where you know the guests will wonder about and dust all surfaces, from mantels to bookshelves, art and ceiling fans if you have any.

Cooking vs cleaning
Even if you are an expert chef, you don’t want to spend all the time making a ton of food and then rush to clean the house, especially the kitchen. The guests need to see you’ve made some dishes from scratch, but no one likes to see a messy kitchen! So, plan ahead and decide what dishes to cook in advance, which ones you’d like to order from a catering place or restaurant and which one(s) you’d like to take care of the day of the party.
Take care of the kitchen
Following the previous tip, make sure that you take care of the most important areas of the kitchen. First, hire an expert to do a deep cleaning, and on the day of the party you can simply clean the stove top and surfaces. Also, clean out the fridge so you have room for all the party food and also, wipe down all appliances and kitchen cabinets. Last but not least, dust the top of the refrigerator. It’s the one area everyone forgets the most!
Pay attention to the bathrooms

Besides cleaning all dirty areas with household cleaners and wiping down all mirrors and counters, the special touches you add to the decoration make the difference. Light up a scent candle, hang fresh towels and a full container of liquid soap. You can also add some simple holiday decorative touches.

Make clean up easier for you
To make the aftermath a bit less dramatic, you can organize trash cans in the kitchen, and label them, so your family and guests can help you by sorting out trash and leftovers. Also, enroll your children to help out with cleaning, even during the party. They can spot dirty plates or cups around the house and bring them over to a designated area in the kitchen, where you can sort and discard accordingly.
These tips will come in handy for your during these holidays or during any other party you are hosting any time of the year. Remember that what’s most important is for you to enjoy the party as well, so take the cleaning portion out of the equation by contacting the professional team of Ana Valenzuela Home Cleaning Services.

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