House Garage Cleaning in Santa Fe

It’s the perfect time to clean the garage in your property in Santa Fe, NM. Whether this is your current home or an Airbnb property, the garage is one of those areas of the home that people procrastinate to clean and tidy up until it’s too late. But this doesn’t have to be your case.

First, assess what the needs of your garage are. Then, pick up the phone or click here to contact a professional team of house cleaning services in Santa Fe… and problem solved! All you need to do is communicate what you have in mind, and this professional house cleaning team will give you an estimate or go head on into cleaning and organizing the garage of your vacation rental. 

Cleaning services in Santa Fe will tackle the garage from top to bottom, which involves more than sweeping or mopping. It involves arranging the space, organizing dividers and perhaps do a bit of decluttering. Where to start or how to do it best? Professionals in vacation rental cleaning share these 4 easy and convenient tips: 

Organize with purpose: Think about your needs. Airbnb cleaning strategies always must have a clear goal: the satisfaction of your Guests. So, ask yourself which items will be useful or necessary for you as the owner and which could be used for Guests in special stays or simply as they occupy the space. 

Decide on themes and create zones: Organize your garage into specific zones, for example: house cleaning materials, tools and equipment for the owner to use and decorations or other things your Airbnb Guests might need and use. This will help not only keep everything in its place but also will make it easier for Guests and vacation rental cleaning crew to find the items they need at any time.

Maximize space: Think vertically and don’t be afraid to install overhead storage, wall-mounted cabinets and shelves to make the best use of the space. Store items that are not used frequently in bins or boxed and leave those needed for frequent use (house cleaning tools and products, for instance), on lower levels or in easy to spot areas. 

Do it house cleaning style: Once you’ve decided where things are going, move everything out of the way as much as possible to sweep, mop, or pressure wash the garage floor if it has any permanent stains of dirt or grease. Remember that when Guests are thinking about your rating, the garage also counts as an area to take care of when Airbnb cleaning. 

Look around and rejoice at a spotless garage! Once clean and organized, plan to maintain it spotless. The professional cleaning services from Ana Valenzuela is your right partner for garage and home cleaning in Santa Fe. From your garage to your home office or the rest of the property, we ensure outstanding cleaning quality in Santa Fe. Book your free estimate now and see the difference it makes in business to have Airbnb cleaning services from Ana Valenzuela! 


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