‘You live, you learn’ says a popular song from the 90s, and the sentence rings true today more than ever, as the pandemic has taught us many things. One of them, a key one, has been all about house cleaning. PROPER house cleaning, that is, with the best cleaning companies leading the way.

House cleaning services are now more essential, as our awareness of cleanliness has completely changed. There is a before and after the pandemic. Maybe before you cleaned the bathrooms only once a week. Now you do it a couple of times a week. Before you used the same old rag to clean the kitchen. Now you change the rag daily because you are simply more aware. And so it goes.

Questions about when and how to clean arise. How often? What areas of the house are more important? What products work better to clean and sanitize? All those decisions can create stress, so it’s best to leave it to house cleaning professional services in Santa Fe.

Ana Valenzuela and her team can take care of any property, whether a home or a vacation rental, on a weekly or biweekly basis, all to ensure surfaces are cleaned and sanitized properly.

The weekly/biweekly service includes cleaning of the entire house:

  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Dinning Room/Living Room/Bedrooms
  • Laundry Area
  • Patios & Outdoor

Don’t leave it for later. Today you know all surfaces of any room need extra attention, and house cleaning services are necessary. You have learned that not only the bathroom requires sanitizing and that even the laundry area demands cleaning attention, as well as the patio and other outdoor areas where family or friends gatherings are happening.

So don’t wait any longer and call to hire true cleaning professionals. The best cleaning companies in Santa Fe have also done their part, by instituting new protocols and offering different services. Ana Valenzuela Cleaning Services has of course done the same, as a cleaning expert in Santa Fe for over 10 years. Our services are 100% guaranteed and our team is ready to get to work on all-size properties, no matter how old or new. Call (505) 660-6568.


Choose the cleaning service you need